Unicode Reference  -  Character  §  -  SECTION SIGN

See also: 
Code Point
Server Image
Segoe UI
Actual: "Times New Roman"
(If installed)

HTML Encodings

NCR Dec:
NCR Hex:
This is a single codepoint.
  Codepoint is Allocated.
  Codepoint is Assigned.
# 0
 Offset: 0x 00A7 (167)
0 0000 .. 0 FFFF
(0 .. 65,535)
65,536 codepoints
# 2
 Offset: 0x 0027 (39)
0080 .. 00FF
(128 .. 255)
128 codepoints
# 28
0021 ..1 E95F
(33 .. 125,279)
125,247 codepoints
# 142
0000 ​..E 007F
(0 ​.. 917,631)
917,632 codepoints

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Other Language Encodings

String Live Output Description
Segoe UI
Segoe UI
A server-generated image from a C# application using this string.
Same as C#  
A client-side JavaScript string.
A client-side CSS rule using this string.
A client-side JavaScript string.

UTF Encodings

UTF-8 encodes to 2 bytes:
UTF-16 encodes to 2 bytes:
or 1 16-bit word:
UTF-32 encodes to 4 bytes:
or 1 32-bit dword:

All Fonts that support this codepoint (208).

Font Name Glyph Glyph
Glyph Index
Aharoni §
106 / 365
Aldhabi §
266 / 1,147
Anatolian §
101 / 718
Andalus §
106 / 548
Angsana New §
230 / 343
AngsanaUPC §
230 / 343
Aparajita §
497 / 721
Arabic Typesetting §
156 / 2,971
Arial §
134 / 4,500
Arial Nova §
132 / 624
Arial Unicode MS §
105 / 49,496
BabelStone Han §
106 / 48,763
Bahnschrift §
750 / 835
Batang §
173 / 39,679
BatangChe §
3,362 / 39,679
Browallia New §
230 / 343
BrowalliaUPC §
230 / 343
Calibri §
913 / 6,680
Cambria §
538 / 7,613
Cambria Math §
538 / 7,613
Candara §
538 / 1,179
Code2000 §
105 / 51,241
Code2001 §
105 / 2,797
Code2002 §
105 / 20,411
Comic Sans MS §
134 / 1,105
Consolas §
398 / 3,029
Constantia §
544 / 1,203
Corbel §
538 / 1,284
Cordia New §
230 / 343
CordiaUPC §
230 / 343
Courier New §
134 / 3,762
DaunPenh §
124 / 633
David §
107 / 380
DengXian §
28,724 / 29,234
DFKai-SB §
168 / 22,133
DilleniaUPC §
230 / 343
DokChampa §
134 / 489
Dotum §
951 / 40,157
DotumChe §
4,596 / 40,157
East Syriac Adiabene §
106 / 355
East Syriac Ctesiphon §
106 / 434
Ebrima §
728 / 2,016
Estrangelo Antioch §
106 / 355
Estrangelo Edessa §
54 / 445
Estrangelo Midyat §
106 / 431
Estrangelo Nisibin §
106 / 355
Estrangelo Nisibin Outline §
106 / 355
Estrangelo Quenneshrin §
106 / 430
Estrangelo Talada §
106 / 355
Estrangelo TurAbdin §
106 / 430
EucrosiaUPC §
230 / 343
Euphemia §
745 / 944
Everson Mono §
107 / 9,670
FangSong §
99 / 28,561
Franklin Gothic §
134 / 663
FrankRuehl §
106 / 368
FreesiaUPC §
230 / 343
Gabriola §
4,179 / 4,351
Gadugi §
134 / 1,230
Gautami §
699 / 872
Georgia §
134 / 863
Georgia Pro §
134 / 892
Gill Sans Nova §
105 / 531
Gisha §
134 / 394
Gulim §
173 / 40,157
GulimChe §
3,424 / 40,157
Gungsuh §
951 / 39,679
GungsuhChe §
4,534 / 39,679
Impact §
134 / 1,003
Ink Free §
208 / 226
IrisUPC §
230 / 343
Iskoola Pota §
134 / 826
JasmineUPC §
230 / 343
Javanese Text §
166 / 680
KaiTi §
99 / 28,561
Kalinga §
132 / 633
Kartika §
128 / 466
Khmer UI §
134 / 676
KodchiangUPC §
230 / 343
Kokila §
497 / 721
Lao UI §
134 / 316
Latha §
330 / 433
Leelawadee §
134 / 351
Leelawadee UI §
134 / 1,022
Levenim MT §
106 / 377
LilyUPC §
230 / 343
Lucida Console §
134 / 665
Lucida Sans Unicode §
134 / 1,775
Malgun Gothic §
134 / 28,214
Mangal §
774 / 885
Meiryo §
108 / 25,021
Meiryo UI §
108 / 25,021
Microsoft Himalaya §
124 / 1,521
Microsoft JhengHei §
134 / 29,650
Microsoft JhengHei UI §
134 / 29,650
Microsoft New Tai Lue §
134 / 348
Microsoft PhagsPa §
106 / 1,337
Microsoft Sans Serif §
134 / 4,189
Microsoft Tai Le §
134 / 323
Microsoft Uighur §
35 / 1,353
Microsoft YaHei §
104 / 30,132
Microsoft YaHei UI §
104 / 30,132
Microsoft Yi Baiti §
124 / 1,549
MingLiU §
168 / 34,059
168 / 34,059
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB §
138 / 49,245
MingLiU-ExtB §
138 / 49,245
Miriam §
106 / 368
Miriam Fixed §
106 / 369
Mongolian Baiti §
130 / 1,856
MoolBoran §
124 / 669
MS Gothic §
105 / 22,289
MS Mincho §
105 / 19,397
MS PGothic §
16,178 / 22,289
MS PMincho §
16,178 / 19,397
MS UI Gothic §
18,696 / 22,289
MV Boli §
184 / 299
Myanmar Text §
165 / 869
Narkisim §
106 / 365
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro §
105 / 535
Nirmala UI §
165 / 4,656
Noto Mono §
105 / 896
Noto Sans §
105 / 3,245
Noto Sans CJK JP §
102 / 65,485
Noto Sans CJK JP DemiLight §
102 / 65,485
Noto Sans CJK KR §
102 / 65,485
Noto Sans CJK KR DemiLight §
102 / 65,485
Noto Sans CJK SC §
102 / 65,485
Noto Sans CJK SC DemiLight §
102 / 65,485
Noto Sans CJK TC §
102 / 65,485
Noto Sans CJK TC DemiLight §
102 / 65,485
Noto Sans Display §
105 / 3,244
Noto Sans Mono §
105 / 3,375
Noto Sans Mono CJK JP §
102 / 65,485
Noto Sans Mono CJK KR §
102 / 65,485
Noto Sans Mono CJK SC §
102 / 65,485
Noto Sans Mono CJK TC §
102 / 65,485
Noto Serif §
105 / 3,242
Noto Serif CJK JP §
102 / 64,605
Noto Serif CJK KR §
102 / 64,605
Noto Serif CJK SC §
102 / 64,784
Noto Serif CJK TC §
102 / 64,783
Noto Serif Display §
105 / 3,244
NSimSun §
99 / 28,792
Nyala §
809 / 1,061
Palatino Linotype §
535 / 1,327
Plantagenet Cherokee §
131 / 312
PMingLiU §
424 / 34,059
PMingLiU-ExtB §
364 / 49,245
Raavi §
365 / 459
Rockwell Nova §
132 / 520
Rod §
106 / 370
Sakkal Majalla §
134 / 2,865
Sanskrit Text §
431 / 1,519
Segoe Print §
134 / 689
Segoe Script §
109 / 1,925
Segoe UI §
134 / 5,228
Segoe UI Emoji §
134 / 10,726
Segoe UI Historic §
134 / 4,736
Segoe UI Symbol §
134 / 9,123
Serto Batnan §
106 / 355
Serto Jerusalem §
106 / 355
Serto Jerusalem Outline §
106 / 355
Serto Kharput §
106 / 478
Serto Malankara §
106 / 478
Serto Mardin §
106 / 355
Serto Urhoy §
106 / 478
Shonar Bangla §
128 / 848
Shruti §
1,391 / 1,491
SimHei §
99 / 28,561
Simplified Arabic §
107 / 2,335
Simplified Arabic Fixed §
106 / 473
SimSun §
99 / 28,792
Sitka Banner §
702 / 1,173
Sitka Display §
702 / 1,173
Sitka Heading §
702 / 1,173
Sitka Small §
702 / 1,173
Sitka Subheading §
702 / 1,173
Sitka Text §
702 / 1,173
Sylfaen §
134 / 820
Symbol §
104 / 191
Tahoma §
134 / 4,448
Tangut Yinchuan §
120 / 7,720
Times New Roman §
134 / 4,682
Traditional Arabic §
106 / 972
Trebuchet MS §
134 / 1,178
Tunga §
488 / 592
UD Digi Kyokasho N-B §
88 / 9,354
UD Digi Kyokasho NK-B §
9,055 / 11,048
UD Digi Kyokasho NK-R §
9,055 / 11,048
UD Digi Kyokasho NP-B §
7,415 / 11,046
UD Digi Kyokasho NP-R §
7,415 / 11,046
UD Digi Kyokasho N-R §
88 / 9,354
Urdu Typesetting §
110 / 916
Utsaah §
497 / 721
Vani §
134 / 864
Verdana §
134 / 1,396
Verdana Pro §
104 / 1,042
Vijaya §
236 / 422
Vrinda §
124 / 817
Webdings §
137 / 225
Wingdings §
131 / 225
Yu Gothic §
722 / 24,221
Yu Gothic UI §
23,526 / 24,397
Yu Mincho §
722 / 23,341

Fallback Fonts

Unifont §
170 / 57,088
LastResort §
9 / 6,144
Unicode BMP Fallback §
105 / 61,060

Common Unicode Fonts

Font Name
Glyph Index
Arial §
/ 4,500
Arial Unicode MS §
/ 49,496
Code2000 §
/ 51,241
Everson Mono §
/ 9,670
Lucida Sans Unicode §
/ 1,775
Microsoft JhengHei §
/ 29,650
Microsoft Sans Serif §
/ 4,189
Noto Sans §
/ 3,245
Segoe UI §
/ 5,228
Tahoma §
/ 4,448
Times New Roman §
/ 4,682

Fallback Fonts

Unifont §
/ 57,088
Unifont Upper
Not supported
LastResort §
/ 6,144
Unicode BMP Fallback §
/ 61,060

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© Richard McGrath