Unicode Reference - All characters supported by the font 'Microsoft JhengHei'

The font Microsoft JhengHei contains 29,593 characters and 29,372 glyphs. (221 more characters than glyphs).

The table below is searchable, and can display up to 1,000 Unicode characters per page.
Loading page 1 ...
Row count: 0
IsRange = 0. From request URL. Column not displayed.
IsAssigned = 0. From request URL. Column not displayed.
GlyphIndex = 28802
No codepoints match filter.
The graphic below shows all codepoints that match the current filter, partitioned by plane.
A single codepoint.
A codepoint range.
A Block.
  An unused plane.
Row No.Codepoint (Hex)Codepoint (Dec)CharGlyph IndexDescriptionBlock

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© Richard McGrath