.NET - The top 5 IL viewers

The top 5 IL viewers / disassemblers are:

  1. ildasm.exe    (free, Microsoft)
  2. CodeReflect    (free, devExtras)
  3. JustDecompile    (free, Telerik)
  4. Dotnet IL Editor    (free)
  5. Reflector    ($95/$195, RedGate)


(free, Microsoft)

If you have Visual Studio or the Windows SDK, you already have ildasm.exe. It's the offical IL disassembler from Microsoft.


ildasm is an IL viewer only.


(free, DevExtras)

Download from www.devextras.com/decompiler/


CodeReflect is an IL viewer and .NET decompiler. You can choose to view either IL or generated source code.


(free, Telerik)

Download from www.telerik.com/products/decompiler.aspx


JustDecompile is an IL viewer and .NET decompiler. You can choose to view either IL or generated source code.

Dotnet IL Editor


Download from sourceforge.net/projects/dile/



($95/$195, Red Gate)

Download from www.red-gate.com/products/dotnet-development/reflector/


Reflector is an IL viewer and .NET decompiler. You can choose to view either IL or generated source code.

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© Richard McGrath