C# - What's new in C# 6.0?

You will need Visual Studio 2015 or higher. (Released July 2015). .NET Framework. 4.6.

1) String interpolation

  var cat = "cat";
  var mat = "mat";
  var oldStr1 = String.Format("The {0} sat on the {1}", cat, mat);
  var newStr1 = $"The {cat} sat on the {mat}";
  var newStr2 = $"Today is {DateTime.Now:dddd MMM dd}";

Replace positional parameters with embedded expressions.

2) Read-only auto properties

  public string Name { get; }

A property without a set accessor is read-only.

3) Auto property initializers

  public List<string> Items { get; } = new List<string>();

You can set an initial value in the auto property declaration.

4) The null-conditional operator

  var first = person?.FirstName;

Replace null checks with the null-conditional operator '?.'

5) using static

  using static System.Console;
  public static void Main()

Import static methods from the System.Console class.

6) Expression-bodied function members

  public override ToString() => "To be or not to be.";

Replace a statement block with an expression.

7) nameof Expressions

  void Lookup(int isbn)
      if(isbn == 0)
          throw new ApplicationException(nameof(isbn) + " cannot be null");

Returns the name of a variable, property, or member field.

8) index initializers

  private Dictionary<int, string> systemErrors = new Dictionary<int, string>
      [0] = "Success",
      [2] = "File not found",
      [5] = "Access denied"

You can now use index syntax to initialize any object that supports an indexer. E.g. dictionary.

9) Exception filters

      HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("http://google.com");
      using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
      catch (WebException ex) when (ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure)
          // Handle dns error

Adds precondition testing to exception handling.

10) extension Add() methods in collection initializers

  var personList = new PersonList()
      new Person("John", "Doe"),
      new Person("Jane", "Roe")
  // Error: 'PersonList' does not contain a definition for 'Add'

You can now initialize a collection that does not implement an Add() method by providing an extension method.

  // Extend class PersonList with method Add (by calling AddPerson)
  public static class PersonExtensions
      public static void Add(this PersonList list, Person person) => list.AddPerson(person);

The extension Add method fixes the compile error.

11) await in catch and finally blocks

  private static async void cs_example_await_in_catch_and_finally()
        var hostname = "google.com";
        var dnsTask = DnsResolveAsync(hostname);
            Console.WriteLine("try code");
            var ip = await dnsTask;
            Console.WriteLine("Hostname resolved to {0}", ip);
  private static async Task<IPAddress> DnsResolveAsync(string hostname)
    Console.WriteLine("DnsResolve start");
    var task = Dns.GetHostEntryAsync(hostname);
    await task;
    Console.WriteLine("DnsResolve finish");
    return task.Result.AddressList[0];

You can now use await in catch and finally blocks.

  DnsResolve start
  try code
  DnsResolve finish
  Hostname resolved to

12) Improved overload resolution

Consider the following code:

  public void Main()
  private void DoSomethingWith(Action a)
      // implementation here
  private void DoSomethingWith(Func<int> f)
      // implementation here
  private int TheMeaningOfLife()
      return 43;
Prior to C# 6, this would fail with the error:

  the call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties
  'Print(System.Action)' and 'Print(System.Func<int>)'

Improved overload resolution fixes this problem.
The compiler calls the second method.

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© Richard McGrath