C# - How to clone a generic List

(Using 7 different techniques)

Assume we have a generic List of objects of type CWebPage. The CWebPage class contains a System.Uri object (a reference type) and an integer Count (a value type).

  class CWebPage
      public Uri Uri; // E.g. http://www.google.com
      public int Count; // E.g. 10
  var list = new List<CWebPage>();
We can create a shallow copy of the list, using the parameterized List constructor List(IEnumerable<T> collection).

  var copy = new List<CWebPage>(list);

A shallow copy is useful if we want to sort the list. In that case we specifically don't want a deep copy. We don't want to duplicate the list items, only the list object and the reference variables that point to them.

  copy.Sort(delegate (CWebPage left, CWebPage right)
      return left.Uri.Host.CompareTo(right.Uri.Host);
We can create a deep copy of the list, using a foreach loop and the ICloneable method Clone.

  var copy = new List<CWebPage>();
  foreach(var elt in list)

Implementing ICloneable on CWebPage.

  class CWebPage : ICloneable
      public Uri Uri;
      public int Count;
      // This is a deep copy implementation of Clone
      public object Clone()
          return new CWebPage
              Uri = new Uri(this.Uri.OriginalString),
              Count = this.Count,

We can create a deep copy of the list, using the List method List<T>.ForEach and the ICloneable method Clone (as implemented in 2).

  var copy = new List<CWebPage>();
  list.ForEach(delegate (CWebPage page)

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We can create a deep copy of the list, using the List method ConvertAll and the ICloneable method Clone (as implemented in 2).

  var copy = list.ConvertAll(elt => elt.Clone());
We can create a deep copy of the list, using the Linq method Enumerable.Select and the ICloneable method Clone (as implemented in 2).

  var copy = list.Select(elt => elt.Clone()).ToList();
We can create a deep copy of the list by serializing it to a stream, and deserializing the stream to create a new instance of the list.

We first need to implement the interface ISerializable on our CWebPage class.

  class CWebPage : ISerializable
      public Uri Uri;
      public int Count;
      // read from stream
      private CWebPage(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
          this.Uri = (Uri)info.GetValue("Uri", typeof(Uri));
          this.Count = info.GetInt32("Count");
      // save to stream
      public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
          info.AddValue("Uri", this.Uri);
          info.AddValue("Count", this.Count);

A small utility function encapsulates the calls to Serialize and Deserialize:

  public static T CopyUsingSerializer<t>(T obj)
      using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
          var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
          formatter.Serialize(ms, obj);
          ms.Position = 0;
          return (T)formatter.Deserialize(ms);

We can now create a deep copy of the list using ISerializable by calling CopyUsingSerializer.

  var copy = CopyUsingSerializer(list);
We can create a deep copy of the list, using any third party library that supports serialization. E.g. Newtonsoft JSON.

  string serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list);
  var copy = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<CWebPage>>(serialized);

The serialized string (JSON text) looks like this:


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© Richard McGrath